Dates for your diary
Action stations in the kitchen today as various things come together. Firstly, in an episode of the blind leading himself, I'm still working on my website. Even tectonic plates are in awe of my practically imperceptible pace of progress. But at least there is progress. To break up the excitement, I also have been cooking.
In preparation for next week's supper club, I have been playing with the dessert recipe. To the more suspicious types, this may be interpreted as an excuse to fill my place with brownies but let me tell you that I take my recipe testing very seriously. (You're about as convincing as Trump. -Ed.).
There's also a dough rising for the pissaladiere, (see above for the finished item). I'm really looking forward to ahem, testing that recipe for tonight's supper. Scrummy. (As a post script, I've tasted it and it was stupendous!) Oh, if you're in the area, don't be shy about banging on my door for a taste of anything. I'm very happy to share the love. However, enough of recipe testing and on to the dates I mentioned in the title.
It took me many years to realise that Christmas is a red herring and the real celebration for me is winter solstice so that's the first one, it's exciting cos the days are getting longer again. The next is my birthday, which kind of coincides with the start of good biking weather at the beginning of April but these days there's no guarantees so at least I have a birthday to celebrate. Next up, and the one that reminded me I wanted to share these dates with you, is quite variable and totally weather dependant.
In the picture, you can see a few of the recent arrivals in my garden. These little fellas herald one of natures marvels, real strawberries. We're lucky enough to live in a climate where strawberries are right at home. For the briefest of moments it's possible for us to get our hands on locally grown, seasonally appropriate, ridiculously delicious, sugar bombs. The best bit is that it's a guilt free sugar hit as it's all natural. By the time the strawberries have shown up I'm generally enjoying the warm weather from the comfort of my saddle so I'm not paying attention to the calendar until winter solstice when the days start to lengthen again.
Kirk out
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