A very special day
It feels a bit unbelievable but today marks two years since I started writing this. There's not much else to say about that besides thanks for being there. I get the occasional message from folk telling me how much they enjoy it and that really encourages me but if you weren't there, this wouldn't happen so thank you.
I don't think my enthusiasm for sharing my enthusiasm has diminished since I started so, for the foreseeable future, I'm going to continue. (Yay! -Ed.) And with any luck, you'll keep reading. I'll take this opportunity to mention that I love hearing from you and if you've got any questions or photos, don't hesitate to send them in.
Other news that's worth noting is that my annual bike jaunt is fast approaching. I've resisted yakking about it because if I started, I probably wouldn't have talked about much else, but as I'm setting off on Wednesday, I'll open the gates holding back the flood of excitement and even go as far as to let out a little Yeehaa!!
The four of us, accompanied by three Yamahas and a BMW, hit the eurotunnel first thing Thursday then blast across France and most of Belgium until we reach our base camp for the weekends activities just near the Spa racetrack. The activities, besides the obvious unnecessary burning of copious tanks for petrol while raucously exploring the local tarmac, will include chilling in the hot-tub, sipping cocktails, watching films and eating. Oh yes and there's some rugby and a MotoGP to watch.
Tradition has it that I take up residence in the kitchen and turn out endless meals and shake the trip's chosen cocktail, (a different one every year). But before you write in asking how I managed to draw the short straw, let me reassure you that this is probably a lot more fun for me than it sounds. I spend days thinking of all sorts of delicious things to cook as well as deciding which cocktail will refresh us the most. I'll stop here otherwise I'll go on for ages but rest assured, there will be plenty of updates. (Happy 2nd Birthday! -Ed.).
Kirk out
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