Make it stop

  On many occasions I have hinted at the arrival of a website. If it's half as exciting as I'd like it to be that will be a major achievement, partly as it will put lots of things in one place and act as a hub for all sorts of food related information and entertainment but partly as I'll have built it myself.

  That may sound impressive if you've never built a website before, as I haven't, but the bald truth is that I'm as good at building websites as you are at fitting a new cam chain to either of my bikes, (something I'd not consider doing if I ever wanted to ride that bike again). Fortunately, the web building tools are remarkably straight forward and full of informative little windows and menus. However, you can lead a moron to a cam chain but you can't make him change it.
  All this just makes me a moron with an instruction manual. However, before you think I can't put myself down any further, I have managed to achieve quite a bit and if you were to peek over my shoulder as I run a preview, you might mistake it for a real website and this is where it all gets rather frustrating.

  I've just spent the last who knows how many hours trying to cajole the final details into place but that's like herding a flock of sheep across a field without a sheepdog, and then trying to get them into a pen. It's the last bit that is proving the hardest and is causing the most amount of brain melt.

  As if to prove the point, all I can write to you this evening is a load of gibberish about how hard I'm finding designing a website, a task most thirteen year olds with an iPhone can do on the bus on the way to school. I'm going to excuse myself now to do something easy and relaxing like changing my cam chain.

Kirk out


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