Danger vegan!
While chatting with a vegetarian mate, we spoke about all things food restriction and I've a couple of highlights I'd like to share. Firstly, being vegan does not automatically mean you are eating healthily. There are loads of junk processed foods that are totally free of animal products and of any nutritional benefits, like Oreo cookies, crunchy snacks like Doritos and Pringles, most breakfast cereals, Pepsi, Red Bull etc. Munching exclusively on that little selection would make you both vegan and unhealthy. Fresh fruit and vegetables on the other hand...
There was (and might still be) a stack of self-appointed advice mongers with their own instagram account or youtube channel, convincing the unwary to go on a plant based diet (and this usually means raw as well as vegan). As a food geek with loads of experience, I'm able to rustle up a wide range of recipes meaning I get variety as well as a balanced diet. If the documentaries I've seen are to be believed, there are many who struggle and end up unhealthier than when they started. Don't be put off though, it just requires a bit of effort and if you're willing to give up animal, I'm sure you're willing to make the effort.
It's only organic milk for me, dahling.
On a slightly different subject, but in the same ball park, there is the question of whether to be veggie or vegan. Just to clarify, you may not want to be either but if you were thinking about it, these are the two common choices. Loads of folk are happy to cut out flesh and continue to eat eggs and dairy, and why not? I'll tell you...
Normally it's for at least one of two reasons, animal welfare or your own welfare.This got me thinking. If it's animal welfare then if you stop eating meat you have to be very strict about which eggs and dairy you consume. The cheap stuff, i.e. the ingredients used by most caterers, will come from mistreated animals. No more croissant and cappuccino if you want happy cows.
If it's your welfare that prompts you to give up flesh then the same applies. The cheap dairy ingredients and eggs are loaded with the same antibiotics, hormones and the like used in the meat industry. What did you think? That the cows used for producing cheap milk frolic in sunny meadows until they are called in for milking when they are lovingly massaged while listening to Brahms and Beethoven? Not even the organic herds listen to Brahms. It slightly blew my mind when I realised this so now, when I'm away from home, I shun most cheap milk, butter, eggs, cheese etc as well as meat that's not organic.
Sorry to be a bit of a killjoy but it's worth thinking about. Remember, I am the Revolting Chef and part of the revolution is getting people like you to make a stand and to encourage others to do the same. When enough of us take this position then, amongst other changes, the high street coffee outlets will only use responsibly sourced organic milk. If you don't believe me, how easy is it to get a soy latte these days?
Viva la Revolucion!
Kirk out
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