How many therapists...

  Enough with the fairy tales. As cuddly as my nice little theories sound about undoing the damage from your childhood, it ain't going to happen just by wondering into your kitchen and chucking some food around in some pastiche of innocence. 

  Don't go thinking that everything I said this week was twaddle though, I stand by all the stuff about our relationship with food starting early and it's worth having a serious think about, especially as I am convinced that the marketing departments exacerbate the situation.
Random picture of my new oak sink surround.
  Seeing a therapist is overkill too. If you know you've learned your aversion to cooking from your early experiences, you're already on your way to freedom. As I'm writing this, I thought of a crazy idea. If you'd like support to overcome your cooking aversion then get in touch. I'm serious. Don't be shy, get in touch and I'll see what I can do. 

  As an exercise, here's something to try. One of the things that makes cooking a royal ball ache is the washing, cleaning and tidying. Next time you're creating a banquet, (or just knocking up some beans on toast), practice a bit of clean as you go. 

  This is as simple as it sounds. As soon as you've got something dirty, and you have a spare second, clean or tidy it. if you cook with me you'll find me pretty militant but the end result is a (I'm struggling to find the right word here. errm), pleasant? joyful? place to cook. That's all for now and don't forget my offer, I look forward to hearing from you.

Kirk out


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