Prisoners of the mind
Those questions I asked yesterday were not rhetorical, I expect answers so go do your homework before reading on. Good, well done. Assume for a moment that my little hunch is right and that the reason you're not diving into the nearest kitchen laden with huge bags of ingredients to cook your little heart out at every opportunity is because of the horrific emotional scarring you received as a child.
Now were going to take it a step further and paint a grimmer picture where the food industry preys on the fears and discomfort from our early trauma to make sure we never get cured of our hangups, so they can sell us their cheap, convenient processed food. This might only be hypothetical, conspiracy theory stuff but I just want you try the idea on for a moment. It would be spooky, right?
Free with every order of Revolting Balls. Not.
But it would mean that a different future might be possible. If it were true that you've been adversely conditioned and brainwashed then a little therapy might in fact be just what the doctor ordered. Before you go off and find a shrink, you may want to try something yourself. See if you can imagine that you have never seen a kitchen before and walk into yours.
What if this new room you have just discovered was a playroom with no rules? Today's game is going to be art but instead of molding clay or painting, the medium you're going to play with can be made to smell, taste, feel and look an infinite number of ways depending what you do. Your first efforts might get stuck to the fridge by proud, biased parents but keep messing around and your talent will grow. I don't need to finish this story because you get the idea. I appreciate that you could be sitting on the loo reading this on your phone so you may be missing the full impact of the fantasy but at least you can imagine what I'm suggesting.
Before I go, in case you didn't hear, my very delicious Revolting Balls are on sale. They are completely healthy and have just been launched on Amazon. As a special treat, I've got some coupons that give a 50% discount. There are six flavours and you can get a pot (eight balls) of each flavour for a tenner instead of twenty. However, they're only valid in July so if you fancy treat, let me know and I'll send you a discount code. Check 'em out here.
Kirk out
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