Absolutely spot on
Though this is definitely a boast, the intention is encouragement, not smugness. Last night I'd told you about the meal I'd whipped up with lots of lovely, grounding veggies. What i didn't mention was that I'd also made dessert. Our hosts had given us some bramleys from their garden when we were on our trip to the Isle of Wight and I wanted to put them to good use. What better use is there than crumble?
It was late and we were full so it didn't get eaten by the time we went to bed. Not even tasted! Can you imagine not even having a tiny nibble of fresh-out-of-the-oven crumble? Anyway as it's stupid o'clock and I'm having trouble sleeping, I thought it would be best if I get up and have a little taste. Just to be sure.
You would be forgiven for thinking that I'm boasting about having had the opportunity to have a well-past-midnight snack on apple crumble but that's not it. What is making me smug at this stupid hour is the fact that though the crumble was thrown together hurriedly, the topping is absolutely outstanding. The reason I'm so happy about that is because, as with a lot of my cooking, no measuring was done.
I take for granted the natural sense of quantities I have acquired over the years but the mouthful of crumbly, biscuity crumble I had just now reminded me that all the cooking I've done has given me a useful affinity with ingredients. This in turn reminds me to encourage you to do the same.
Being happy to throw ingredients together with a sense of curiosity and wild abandon has been what has helped me, and this is what I encourage you to do too. Though I generally suggest you throw out your cookbooks, what I really want is for you to use them as inspiration but not for the instructions therein to be slavishly followed. I'm glad we had this little chat. It's still bonkers o'clock and I'm still bloody awake but at least I've had some crumble and a chance to share some thoughts with you. Happy cooking.
Kirk out
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