A change of tack
Following a very interesting conversation, I'm now starting on a different direction as far as this daily transmission goes. The person I was talking to got me to look at what I would do if I had to refine my message and audience. What do I want to say and to whom?
I realised the most important think for me is to share my knowledge of cooking in a way that makes cooking as accessible and understandable as possible, so that's the plan. There may be a smattering of the healthy stuff in there, and it wouldn't be the same without the odd mention of motorbikes but what I think I'll really be focusing on is how food works.
The perfect xmas gift.
You may remember me saying that when you understand why you do what you do in a kitchen, you gain a great deal of freedom. This underpins pretty much all the advice I give to people and for good reason. Imagine that instead of having to follow recipes to the letter, you're only using recipes for inspiration and guidance and then creating recipes of your own. Does that sound useful? Good.
The other part of the current plan is to spend a bit more time on each subject, so instead of trying to cram everything into one email, I'll spread it out over a week and see how that goes. Don't forget that this is for your benefit so please keep me posted with any feedback and requests. I love it when you get in touch so don't be shy.
Right then, come back tomorrow and see what I come up with tomorrow.
Kirk out
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