At it again

  It can't have been that long ago that you heard about my first attempt at Portuguese custard tarts. Enough time has passed for me to have another go and this time, as you'd expect, there has been some tweaking. However, you'l have to wait until tomorrow for a full report because today there's something else I'd like to share.

  Apple have very thoughtfully put an extremely sensible feature in their phones. I'm such a fan I tell almost everyone I come across. If you're an Android user you don't need to worry, your phone has it too but I have no idea how to access it. Read on though as it will motivate you to work it out.

​​​​​​​  There's a very good likelihood that your phone is passcode protected. This is a great idea, but if you're unlucky enough to get knocked off your motorbike or, (insert random catastrophe here), and you're unconscious, (or worse), then there's no way anyone can access your phone to contact your loved ones or any of the beneficiaries in your will. Until now.
  If you've ever noticed at the bottom left on the lock-screen, there's an 'emergency' option. Press it and it brings up another keyboard which enables anyone to make calls to 999, 911 (or whatever number the emergency services where you are) from the locked phone. You can also access the very useful 'Medical ID' feature, also in the bottom left of the screen.
   Press the 'Medical ID' icon and you bring up a page with whatever information you feel would be useful in an emergency. Your name, DOB, blood type and any medical condition that would be important for the emergency services to know about. But here's the best bit, you can also put the phone number(s) of anyone you would like to be contacted, so whoever is about to read you your last rites can call them from your locked phone to give them the bad news. (I don't think you need to be quite as graphic. -Ed).

  Setting up this feature is simplicity itself. The app is already installed, ('Health', which you can see below), so all you need to do is open it up, go to the Medical ID bit, fill in the info and away you go, living your life of wanton risk and wild abandon.
  Being the enthusiastic type that I am, I tell pretty much anyone who'll listen, including, and this seems to be an important part of the equation, any coppers and paramedics I come across. A lot of them don't know about this feature and think it's a piece of genius. One cop who had heard of it told me there is another bonus, which is that if you lose it and someone honest comes across your phone, there's now a chance it can make its way back to you.

  If you like this idea, don't forget to spread the word, who knows who will benefit. Before I go I can tell you the tarts are yummy so come back tomorrow for a full report.

Kirk out


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