On a mission

  The introduction to yesterday's post was not an accident or random in any way but today is too early to say more. Tomorrow however will be the perfect time to say more. So come back to see what I'm on about.

  I know I've just started writing this, but unfortunately I'll be leaving you soon. I've been flat out all day and there are still some bits of work I need to do so I'm going to take my leave to finish them off. Before I go, though, here's a glimpse of today's first activity.
  As you can see, I spent the morning baking. I think by the end I had made almost a hundred of the delicious parcels of joy and though some of them were commissioned, some of the others had to be given away as I'd be in big trouble with that many mince pies sitting around staring at me.

  Right, I'm off to do some proper work. Back tomorrow with some splendid news.

Kirk out



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