Seeking the Oracle
Instead of rummaging around my brain for a subject to fill tonight's blog, I thought I'd ask you what you want to know about. I know there are gaps in your knowledge that have had you stumped, and if I don't have the answer, or don't know enough about it to fill a post, I'll do the research for you and come up with a useful answer.
Don't be shy, I know there are things you want to ask but I just don't know what they are so this is the part of the show where you get to put me to work helping you out. Questions you may have include, which sandwiches came first, chicken or egg? And is it safe to eat uncooked toast?
More delicious than chocolate.
There's a fellah out there called Harold McGee who couldn't be bothered to ask his readership what it was they didn't know. Instead, to cover all bases, he wrote something that is less like a book and more like a family size loaf. It contains all information about food and cooking and is conveniently called, On food and cooking. This is all well and good but there's a little problem, it's massive and there's a lot of info in it.
In a moment of confusion, I thought it would be a sensible idea to read the fucker. I got about three sections in and my brain almost burst. Three sections and I hadn't even scratched the surface. As fascinating as it was, there was just too much information. So let's assume there are things you want to know and you don't want to read the British library.
I'm just as happy answering the sort of things you may think are simple and obvious as I am the cryptic stuff that keeps you awake at night. Also, don't feel it has to be limited to cooking questions, you could also ask about health and nutrition type stuff. You've got your instructions so ask away.
Kirk waiting patiently.
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