Don't let it go to waste

  If you were here yesterday you'll have heard about my roast chicken dinner and with any luck your mouth may still be watering. If the sound of it has got you planning to do your own version this weekend (or even tonight if you can't wait), there's something else you'll need to take into consideration.

  You know I'm a huge fan of stock but not of stock cubes. To keep my stores stocked, I make up a batch from time to time and put tubs of the stuff in my freezer. Last night's dinner gave me the opportunity to make up a pot and if you're not in the habit of doing the same then I hope I can convince you to make it part of your routine.
  If you don't manage to eat all the chicken, pull off the leftover meat and put the carcass in a large pan. Add loads of vegetables. You're ok adding most things though brassicas can be a bit bitter. I'll generally go for onion, leek, carrot, celery and parsnip as a minimum and see what else is lying around.

​​​​​​​  I'll also put in star anise, garlic and peppercorns for a bit of extra flavour and also herb stalks if I've just picked something like parsley. You probably have the idea now but I wouldn't worry too much, as long as the pot is nice and full, you'll get a tasty rich stock. I never add salt, I'll season whatever I'm cooking later.

  Once you've put the veg in, fill the pan with water and turn on the heat. You can put it on high to start with then turn it right down when it's starting to boil as it only needs to simmer. A couple of hours is normally sufficient. Turn off the heat and let it cool before straining it into tubs ready for the freezer. If you don't want to freeze it, it will be ok in the fridge for about a week. The problem I'm finding is that while its cooling I keep drinking it (with a little soy sauce for seasoning) as it's very delicious. You have been warned!

Kirk out


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