Wasting my breath.
On the way home I was confronted by a large, illuminated sign on the side of a bus stop. It filled me with loathing, despair and more loathing. Not only do I wonder about the target audience, but their susceptibility such suggestions and the damage that leads to.
My guess is that I've no need to be warning you against such behaviour but just in case you missed the memo, under no circumstances should you be considering taking them up on their self serving offer. For the same reason that there's no need to warn you, there's probably no need to explain why, but I'm going to anyway.
These tossers are only interested in profit, not your well being, and to further increase their takings they buy cheap, shit ingredients and the services of expensive marketing companies and then rely on the ignorance of the hungry majority to buy their nonsense.
But you know all that. The bottom line is that not only are free lunches non existent, but cheap ones too, so stay away. Seriously, three pounds for a sandwich and a coffee, are they fucking joking!? Michael Pollan, who also knows about such things, made a very eloquent suggestion that I will now paraphrase. He said that you can eat whatever you want as long as you make it yourself.
So if it's a burger with large fries and a chocolate shake that you fancy, then go buy some proper ingredients, invite a couple of friends over and get cooking. Not only will it be a lot better, but it will be a lot better for you. You'll have paid the appropriate price and there's also a good chance that you'll value the meal properly and savour it like never before. You have been (probably unnecessarily) warned.
Kirk out
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