This evening's post is a very special one and I'm very happy you could join me. Amazingly, a thousand days ago I started writing this blog, which means that tonight I'm celebrating my one thousandth consecutive day of writing. As a celebration, I'll be having a look at what it is that I'm doing this for and I promise I'll try to keep it brief, though it will be a bit longer than usual.
Firstly, the most important reason for me to be writing this is to change peoples lives through their relationship with food. What does that mean? In a nutshell (as asking me this is normally like opening a floodgate and letting my enthusiasm and passion flood out) we are the way we are because of our relationship with food. A relationship that really got serious about ten thousand years ago.
Less than a hundred years ago though, humans accidentally started an experiment that has had the most terrible impact on our health and changed our relationship for the worse. For some reason I find myself compelled to put the spark back into that relationship and spend most of my time (but not all, of which more later*) encouraging folk to cook and eat with joy and awareness.
Phew! I'm sure I could have done that more articulately but that's a pretty small nutshell I crammed it into. Now have a look at this...
Same product, three times the price!
One symptom of our changing relationship is the food industry that supplies most of our food. They have an enormous influence over our health but no interest in it. One way we can take our health back is to remember that the food industry does what we tell them. They don't want you to know that but consider this; if you think the supermarkets stock organic food because it's better for us you're dreaming. They stock it because it's in demand and if everyone stopped drinking red bull they would stop selling it. They're not in charge, we are. However...
Above is a beautiful example of how the supermarkets treat us like cunts. They're happy to sell us regular broccoli for £1.55 per kilo, but if you want something fancy like a broccoli crown, which is exactly the same as the regular broccoli but it's had the stalk cut off and a bit of plastic shrunk around it, then they'll be very happy to let you have one for £5 per kilo. Are these wankers taking the fucking piss with their cunting behaviour or what? My language is to wake you out of your bastard stupor because there's enough dickheads buying this crap that means the supermarkets keep selling it. Want to get the food industry in line? Then start reading the prices and ingredients more carefully.
Remember earlier I said I was quite passionate? That's an example.
Would sir like the mushrooms or the mushrooms?
Those pans of mushrooms however are an example of something that fills me with deep joy. In fact, I'm welling up as I write this and here's why. That picture of two pans of mushrooms was sent to me today by the guy I mentioned in yesterday's post. We had been talking about ways to make a sauce and I had told him about a couple of different methods. I suggested to him that next time he does it, he should put...
You know what I'm about to say, and the most amazing thing is that it meant enough to him to find out that he fucking went and did it! Nobody does that! Are you fucking kidding me? He has no plans to be a chef, he just likes cooking and making sure his family eats properly. Take a leaf out of his book and make a difference, dammit! It's a lot easier than anyone imagines to make small manageable changes and it makes such a massive difference. Do it! For your kids, for the planet, just fucking do it!
Leftovers, but fancy looking.
On a lighter note, here's what I get up to. As well as telling you how to shop and cook, I do the odd bit of cooking myself. There's nothing I tell you to do that I don't do myself and normally at maximum volume, so I spend far too long in supermarkets calculating prices and reading labels for my own benefit as well as for you. For the sake of my health and because I enjoy the creativity I also cook at every available opportunity.
I truly am at my happiest when I'm cooking*, whether it's on my own, for dinner with the missus or for a massive group. I'll tell you about the geekiest details, share my recipes or just show you a plate I've thrown together in the hope that you might find inspiration or enough curiosity to give it a go. And if you need a bit of encouragement or a confidence boost, I'll always be there for you. This is probably the reason I'm still doing this after a thousand days.
*There is something else though...
I have hinted that there's something else in my life bringing me joy besides food and unless you're blind and someone is reading this to you, you'll have worked out what that is. While my brain had some time off I asked it to work out which, if I had to choose, would I give up out of bikes or cooking. It hasn't got back to me with an answer yet, which is fine as no one is asking me to chose. Though I pity the person that does.
Well that's quite enough for tonight. Thanks for joining me and I hope you stick around as I plan to keep writing this. As usual I'll remind you to get in touch with any (and I do mean any) questions or to send me pics of your amazing creations. You may just want to say hi and I love that too. Oddly my next milestone is in ninety five days when I'll have been doing this for three years. See you then.
Kirk out
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