Dib Dib Dib

  The thought of me in a little cub scout uniform might raise a smile but in the last century for a while it was something I wore on Tuesday evenings. Though it's not attire I've sported in a while there are parts of me that still remains influenced by my time there. I was told to be prepared and to this day I am still prepared.

  That was a great help today as I had a surprise party to attend. A quick stroke of the magic chin, (my equivalent of a crystal ball), showed me a glimpse of a spread of food that I wouldn't be touching. So how did I prepare for such an occasion? Very easily indeed, thanks for asking.
Not just for Warriors
  Clearly that photo was taken after the boat had sailed but you get the idea. My blender was filled with a banana, (a rare treat as it's got quite a few carbs), some spinach, half a large avocado, a healthy spoon of (homemade) hazelnut butter and a generous splash of coconut milk.

  It was my late breakfast at about eleven and filled me wonderfully. I set off about one, returned home at around seven thirty when, in a leisurely manner, I set about knocking up a salad for supper. Between my smoothie and supper, I had a few carrot sticks (about the only thing I would eat from the buffet) and that was just for something to do.

  One thing that's really remarkable about the low carb, high fat route is how sustaining it is and how my appetite in general has dropped off. On that note, something I'm really prepared for is my party weekend in a week. I will have been strict for twenty five days and as much as I love the benefits, I'm also looking forward to the little (erm, very large) indulgences that I've promised myself as a reward. Akela would approve.

Kirk out



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