A rare treat indeed

  Not a very auspicious start to the day, unfortunately. I kicked off by waking up at four am, (involuntarily, I might add). Who knows why? It meant I could get quite a bit done though, including a trip to my favourite butcher. And here's why.

​​​​​​​  By a very fortunate turn of events I'm acquainted with an Italian who works for a company that imports and supplies all sorts of fancy food from his homeland. Very generously, and because I did him a favour, he came round yesterday with a heap of assorted goodies.
A mini cream bomb
  One of them is a particular treat that he introduced me to, called burratina. It is a version of mozzarella but with a soft creamy filling. Actually, as you may not know of them, there are burrata, which are a bit larger, about the size and shape of a large fig, and the slightly daintier burratina.

  However, like mayflies, they have a very short life. After a short time, (a day or two), the soft creamy filling develops the same texture as it's mozzarella pouch and though still delicious, it's the texture that is where the real magic is. Which brings me full circle and back to my visit to the butchers.

  They supply a very tasty chorizo, which I find myself launching at my BBQ at every opportunity, and I had a feeling the chorizo and burratina would compliment each other very nicely thank you, and even more so if a bit of aubergine were to get involved. You can see the result above and I'm overjoyed to report that the size of the thumbs up given by the management was so huge, there was a minor eclipse in hackney this evening. Now I'm off to catch up on my beauty sleep.

Kirk out



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