
  Started the day with a bit of a lie in until 5:30 then up with the songbirds and into the kitchen to put a bit of heat under tonight's meal. It's a slow cooked pork belly that get's simmered for hours in an orange and pepper sauce before being cut into thick slices which get finished on the bbq. As it is falling apart after being simmered, it helps to put it in the fridge for a few hours to firm up which makes it easier to slice. But that's all later.

  For now though, honourable mention goes to last night's supper which got rave reviews. As I had time, I made a bolognese early in the day and put it on to simmer. It must have cooked for at leat seven hours and in that time the most wonderful transformation happened. Not only was the meat as soft as butter but pretty much all the water had boiled away leaving the richest sauce imaginable. It's rare I have that much time to simmer a bolognese and it meant that saying true to it's origins as a simple meat sauce with simple ingredients produced a remarkable dinner. Actually, while I claim to have stayed authentic, I served it with roast potatoes instead of pasta (also steamed cabbage and salad) and everyone was happy. Large portions of seconds all round. I don't have any pics of dinner, but here was breakfast.
  A quick detour to the joy of the local supermarket and the first product that caught my eye was these. Not sure who the target market is but I wish them well.
  Moving on to these little beauties reminds me of a bigger issue. As bizarre as it seems to buy a ready burger or hot dog to pop into the microwave, it seems that this new 'normal' is linked to the deterioration in our health but you knew that so I'll not rattle on about it any more. But seriously, who buys this shit??? 
  The real reason we're here as you remember is to frolic around on the beautiful local tarmac. Today's plan as I write this is to head up to the legendary Nurburgring for a bit of a mooch about. Once breakfast is out of the way, we'll head downstairs to the garage where these beauties are waiting patiently for us.
  Today's breakfast is worth a mention, though you'll have to wait a bit for pics. I bought some huge local sausages and had a go at smoking them last night. They will get sliced thickly, fried for a bit of caramelisation and served atop a bubble and squeak with an egg fried in clarified butter. My excitement is tempered with the sense I don't have any room for a meal of that size. I feel stuffed just thinking about it and I still have to somehow find room for tonight's bbq pork. Phew.

Kirk out


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