Feeling the benefits

  Another wise soul has enlisted my help. This time for a set of easy recipes to help him kick start his cooking routine, which has slightly fallen by the wayside. The brief is pretty straight forward, especially as he's an accomplished enough cook to be happy to have vague quantities and do a lot of tweaking on his own. 

  While discussing recipes, the subject of veggies and ferments came up so that's what tonight's post will be about. Whatever your chosen food lifestyle, I'm convinced that a healthy gut is universally important and these two food categories will make a massive difference so pay attention.
  Fermented food first. It is most important to get fermented food that is live. Live yoghurt is one common example but vinegar, kimchi, sauerkraut and miso are some other examples, and the fact that they are live means they are full of live bacteria, happily chomping away, (or whatever it is that bacteria do). Those bacteria head for your gut, somehow surviving your stomach full of digestive juices, where they hang out with all their mates. As you may have heard, a gut full of happy bacteria is fab for your health.

  But how does one keep them happy, you ask? The same way we keep you happy, with lots of your favourite food. What do they like to eat, comes your next enquiry? Simple, they like fibre. Vegetables and fruit are a great source of fibre. We don't benefit directly from fibre as it's indigestible but it passes into our guts where the bacteria get to enjoy it. This is why you need to eat veggies.

  Think of the colony of live bacteria in your gut as a therapeutic pet. Look after it by feeding it well and it will bring you untold benefits. You have now officially got the memo so there's no excuse. Go and look up sources of fibre and live foods to get an idea of what to eat and enjoy the benefits of your new pets.

Kirk out



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