Behind the scenes

  Most of the time you only get to see a polished presentation of my lovingly prepared food but today you're going to get a little peek at the grubby underbelly of the process. Early yesterday morning, one of the venues where I've hosted supper clubs got in touch to ask if I could cater for a photoshoot that would have happened today.

  As I had indicated I could, they passed on my details to whomever was organising things. There was an extra layer of organisation as I was going to be busy on the day of the shoot. The plan was for me to make and deliver the grub to the studio manageryesterday who would present it as per my detailed instructions today. (I had to take a massive deep calming breath at the thought of someone else serving my food but managed to stay remarkably calm).

  Organising all of this, plus menus, (including the now mandatory dietary restrictions), shopping lists and to do lists and payment took the usual flurry of emails and texts. As time was running out, before the deposit had turned up in my bank account, I set off for the shops and spent an hour or so meandering up and down the aisles. As I was queuing to pay, I checked my phone and instead of seeing the deposit in my account there was a message cancelling the gig. Bollocks!
Not as messy as I remembered it.
  It would have been a lot worse if I had not bothered to check. At least it was only my time that got wasted. Don't be thinking this is usual, this was a very unusual occurrence so I thought I'd share it. As a total non sequitur, but related to the theme of backstage shenanigans, above is a rare view of what goes into the production of one of my normally calm and well coiffed suppers. 

  For even more background info, I had just come back from a long day's work and wanted to have a proper meal. It took me a little over half an hour to knock this up and create an appropriate amount of debris. The ingredients include, salad of rocket, cherry tomatoes, sautéed mushrooms, feta, spring onion and olives. Black kale with a fried egg, fried chorizo and sun-dried tomatoes accompanied by avocado and kimchi.

  Had I not been in such a hurry, I would have taken a bit longer and done a bit more tidying along the way. However, it didn't take long to get my kitchen back to clean and tidy so I could write this before I go to bed and do it all again tomorrow. Now for some well earned beauty sleep.

Kirk out


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