Cheap date

  It feels proper to explain a bit about last night, especially as I don't remember much about the blog. Apparently some folk on the LCHF diet have noticed they are a lot more susceptible to the effects of alcohol. Yesterday was not the first time I've had a drink since starting LCHF but it certainly was a very different experience. The amount I drank was certainly unremarkable but the effects definitely were. 

  Soon after drifting home and collapsing on the sofa it was a one way trip to lala land. At some point I was nudged from my slumber and encouraged towards bed. This is when an attempt to fulfil my blogging obligations were made, more or less successfully. Unusually for me I went straight back to sleep and had a long and deep sleep. Quite bizarre.
To be repeated. Frequently.
  On to today's lunch, and way before anything was ready, I realised that everything could be dispensed with so we could get straight on to the important business of dessert. You can see it presented above, before the 'main' course as should have happened earlier.

  It is, or was, a summer pudding, and despite being very full from the previous spread we managed to eat most of it. If you're unfamiliar with it, as the other diners were, this is a very English dish consisting of a selection of summer berries -in this case strawberries, blueberries and raspberries- briefly simmered then encased in bread and pressed to set and allow the juices to penetrate the bread. Seconds were taken all round and complements were given copiously. It's really easy. Google the recipe and give it a go. Now on to the main course.
Tuck in, but leave room for dessert.
  The chicken was a real crowd pleaser. Cooked very slowly on the BBQ and very moist when it was served up, with plenty of grilled vegetables, minted peas, salad and freshly made guacamole and hummus. The only shame was it meant waiting longer for dessert to be served. As you can tell, after a slightly delayed start, I'm into full BBQ mode now. Expect plenty more to happen in the foreseeable future.

Kirk out


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