The million dollar question

  Holy cow! At the end of yesterday's post I could sense the horrible feeling of having been written into a corner by my own fair hand. What wicked, self-inflicted cruelty to inflict upon myself. If you missed the end of yesterday's cliffhanger, it ended with the promise that you, dear reader, would tune in today and find the secret to culinary inspiration.

  That was a bold offer to make, especially after I'd so confidently told you that you had a lot more skill in the kitchen that you thought you did and it has kept me distracted since the post was err, posted. However, it seems like a solution has been found so rest assured.​​​​​​​
Roasted veg, cauliflower mash, stewed lamb, kale, salad.
Inspired by hunger and...
  Actually, it is not such a huge conundrum. The easiest way to crack this nut was to ask myself what I do to find inspiration and the answer was obvious. We are surrounded by food in an infinite number of varieties and all of them serve as ideas or starting points for dishes. Even walking past McDonald's can inspire me to go and make a burger so nothing can be discounted.

  Still stuck for ideas? I have been known to suffer from the culinary equivalent of writers block from time to time and I've been asked by a number of folk what to do so I don't end up cooking the same dish repeatedly through lack of inspiration, but in the kitchen it is easier to break the impasse and here's how. Just start cooking.

​​​​​​​  If that sounds daft, next time you're hungry and feeling uninspired, chop up some onions and start frying them. If the sweet aroma of onions doesn't get ideas popping into your head then you aren't hungry. Just the thought of doing that gets recipes cascading through my head, but that might be me. It seems like there's more on this so I'll have another go tomorrow. Catch you then.

Kirk out


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