Chopped nuts, your worship?

  A super quickie today as I've been less than my usual organised self. It's currently the wrong side of six am for a Sundae morning and I'm hustling myself out to go sell ice cream. It's too long a story for now but I realised last night as I was drifting off to sleep that if I don't write to you now, I'd be making life complicated.

  Anyway, that's my day but it doesn't mean I'm abandoning you. There's a bit more to yesterday's post and the joy of eating bacteria. Besides kimchi and sauerkraut there's other sources of bacteria you might want to know about. Live yoghurt is one, and I recommend goat's yoghurt over cow's. Another is kombucha and there's even live vinegar which has lots of bacteria.
Me today but with ice cream.
  You're probably noticing the theme of 'live' and that of course refers to the thriving colony of bacteria. Miso is another source of bacteria and you have to remember that if you get the miso too hot you'll kill off the bacteria so only add it at the end. 

  I'm stalling a bit here because I've suddenly realised that as enthusiastic as I am at this time of the morning, my brain is still in bed having a lie in and without its help I'm struggling to remember sources of bacteria.

  Ok, that's enough of this gibberish. I'm off to scoop ice cream for as long as the weather holds up. I may even tell you all about it tomorrow. Stay dry.

Kirk out


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