Falling Over

  If you caught yesterday's post, you'll remember that at about this time I'd be refreshing myself with a delightful glass or seven of delicious Pimms, gently infused with reduced sugar 7up. Blimey, even reading that phrase gets me shuddering. Reading it starts so well but at the end it suddenly turns a sharp corner of disappointment, like reaching in to a lucky dip and finding yourself grasping a fresh, warm turd. Thanks but no.

  Of course, I may be blowing this all out of proportion and could discover that the odd taste of the flawed 7up becomes almost palatable once mixed with the summery, aromatic Pimms. I'm expecting otherwise and if it still tastes nasty then the disappointment could be washed away by repeatedly administering more and more of the stuff until either my taste buds are numbed, I don't care anymore or that I fall over.
I was young and I needed the money.
  All of this is moot because I wrote this before I get swilling so you'll have to wait until tomorrow at the earliest before I'm able to give any sort of feedback about the taste of reduced sugar fizzy drinks. If you can't wait until then and just happen to be organising a Pimms fuelled soiree of your own there are a couple of solutions.

  At 25% ABV, Pimms is stronger than wine but weaker than spirits. You wouldn't want to drink it neat, (unless you wonder the streets with all your possessions in a shopping trolley), but you generally have a much larger dose of Pimms than spirits. I've never tried it mixed to two parts lemonade though that would certainly hide the flavour of weird sweeteners. Normally it's 1:3 or more and of course the more lemonade you add the more likely you are to taste it.

​​​​​​​  If you're feeling rich, sophisticated and sufficiently repulsed even by the very idea of reduced sugar nonsense then there's always the option of Pimms Royale. You can tell this is going to be wanky from the name but who gives a shit? This little indulgence involves mixing Pimms with champagne (or similar). Not only does this make you feel like a member of the aristocracy but it makes you fall over a lot quicker.
Which is nice.

Kirk out



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