Sharing the love

  An unexpected surprise today in the form of a very leisurely lunch with an old aikido buddy. It was meant to be a bit of a catch up with a few cooking tips thrown in but ended up being a full on cooking lesson. He had asked me for a few recipes to help make sure he had some easy, tasty, healthy options and I certainly filled the brief.

  As usual, I went for the, 'teach a man to fish' option over the 'give him a fish' one, which meant showing him principles. As you can see below from the grin on my face (Is that what you'd call it? Ed.), it gave me great joy to share what comes so naturally.
What Tiggers do best
  As lovely as today was, I don't get to do it often enough and that kind of breaks my heart. It feels like I'm a massive wasted resource and what I know and the passion that drives it should be getting used to full potential daily instead of occasionally.

  However, I know my strengths and marketing isn't one of them. I'm not even going to suggest that you give me a call or put me in touch with anyone cos I'd only get my hopes up. Hmmm... I think I'll sign off here as I don't feel like a ride on that particular train of thought.

Kirk out


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