Vegetables vs. vegetables

  Things are always popping into my head so I could save myself a lot of time when I sit down to write to you by just starting with, 'something occurred to me today while I was (fill in the random activity)'. Today for example was to do with being vegetarian and eating vegetables .

  It's definitely appropriate at this point for me to remind you about something that occurred to me on another occasion on the subject of being a vegetarian (but not a vegan). I was ruminating on the reasons for this choice and it normally comes down to health or animal welfare and often both.
Technically, both vegetables.
  The realisation that came was that whatever your reason for giving up meat, unless you only eat free range, organic etc. eggs and dairy, you were neither making a difference to your health or animal welfare. (Get in touch if you need an explanation). Today's revelation is about a similar but different problem.

  If you're a vegetarian, this doesn't necessarily mean you're eating loads of vegetables. (Really? All that preamble and that's the best you can do? -Ed.). What occurred to me was that choosing to give up meat for health reasons certainly means you're  probably avoiding a bunch of health related issues but you still might be eating garbage.

  Ok, calling it garbage might be a bit harsh but cutting out animal from your diet to make yourself healthy only works if you make sensible food choices, otherwise you may as well eat meat. I've just read that back and realise this may not be the most ground breaking idea to swim from the depths of my grey matter but if you come back tomorrow...

Kirk out


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