Viewed from a different angle
In Sunday's post there was a promise of another supposedly ground breaking revelation, but instead of writing about it on Monday, it was postponed until after yesterday's impromptu awards ceremony. Thanks for your patience and now back to the observation. Unsurprisingly, it's to do with carbs but (Oh for the love of cheese, just get on with it! -Ed.).
On Sunday, the emergency care package for cold wet bikers of baked beans on toast was deployed and then confirmed that there's a hidden and undiscussed side to carbs. Before this continues, it's definitely worth pointing out that the aim of this is not to complain about carbs, it's just an observation, especially as carbs aren't the only... why don't I just explain? (Yes, why not indeed? -Ed.).
Carbs don't taste of anything. No, really. Imagine boiling a bag of macaroni, draining it and eating it. Or rice. It couldn't be any blander, even if you sprinkled it with flour. Actually, even protein like chicken is another flavourless ingredient. Boil a nice breast of chicken in water and it tastes of nothing. And don't get me started on tofu.
The point is that, without realising it, a lot of the time the only reason food is tasty because of the addition of just a couple of ingredients or a coking method. Salt is a really obvious one. Ketchup is another. Caramelisation adds flavour (think of toast) as does dipping things in hot oil, like potatoes or flour slurry (by which I mean tempura batter).
So here's your homework. For (at least) the next forty eight hours, whenever you eat something I want you to consider what is bulk and what is flavour. Again, this is just a thought experiment and not a judgement but there is a point to this which we'll come to later. And if you're cooking the food then even better as you will have to really think about all the ingredients you're using and what their purpose is.
Right then, off you go.
Kirk out
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