What a carry on.

  Carrying on from yesterday, (because you knew I wasn't going to leave that subject in any sort of hurry), we're still looking at nutrition. The area of this subject that has my focus at the moment is to do with the different groups of nutrients. If you missed yesterday's episode, they are water, minerals, vitamins, protein, fat and carbohydrates.

  To start with, many foods contain a number of nutrients and the nutrients perform a number of functions, (you can get a glimpse of how big this subject is). As you'll remember from countless recent posts is that I'm experimenting with a low carbohydrate, high fat diet.
  From a nutritional perspective, carbs and fats are both sources of energy. As I said, they both do other things but the LCHF diet gets the body to rely on fat as it's power source instead of carbs. It's worth saying that one difference between these fuels is that fats are very energy rich, that is to say they have a lot of calories.

​​​​​​​  So here's a question, what is a calorie? It should be on the tip on everyone's tongue as pretty much every conversation about food and diet touches the subject of calories at some point. Quite simply, a calorie is a unit of energy. The energy contained in a calorie can raise the temperature of a gram of water (at room temperature and at sea level) by one centigrade. (Listen for sound of penny dropping).

  What is funny is I'm still not 100% clear exactly why reducing carbs helps us loose weight. No, really. Regardless of whether you go LCHF or not, reducing carbs makes a difference. When I come across a definitive answer I'll let you know, but if you can't be bothered to wait and you fancy losing a bit of girth from your spare tyre, cut the carbs and prepare to tighten your belt by a couple of notches.

  Re the pic, it's a clutch basket just removed from a mate's bike. There aren't supposed to be any gaps round the edge like he's got. Oops!

Kirk out



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