Episode 1190. When all good things came to an end

  When I started writing this, there was always the notion lurking somewhere in the background that at some point it would come to an end. That day has come finally and when I realised this would be the last post, (in this series at least), I felt really sad like I'm losing a friend. But enough of the sentimental shit how about a trip down memory lane?

  This all started because a very good friend called Exton encouraged me to boost my online presence. A blog seemed best as I'm happy expressing myself through writing and too self conscious to make videos. Every day was my choice of frequency as... well, because I'm mental. I don't like doing things by halves and though I toyed with the idea of changing the frequency of the transmissions, it stayed a daily mission.

  I've just done the maths and a post has been sent out every day without fail for eleven hundred and ninety days straight. One thousand, one hundred and ninety days. That's a shade over three years. That's not a bad achievement so you'd have to now ask why?
Make sure you go see this
  Though the answer might seem obvious, I realise that this is why finishing the blog makes me sad. There's not a lot that gets me uncontrollably enthusiastic like food, cooking, nutrition etc etc. A few years ago my already geeky curiosity took me into the realms of food history, the impending food related environmental disaster that's approaching and how our relationship with food makes such a difference to our lives. From there the blog gave me an opportunity to contribute in my own small way, whether by giving cooking tips and recipes or raising awareness of... You've read this stuff so you know what I write about.

  So why am I stopping? In brief, I've been offered a job that has nothing to do with food and I noticed something had changed. The drive to write just went and it just seemed natural to call it a night. It's early days yet but so far I still cook and no doubt I'll still be happy to share my knowledge so feel free to fire questions my way or just get in touch to say hi. The job, as you're probably curious, materialised from nowhere. A good friend realised that what he needed was a Sebastian in his life as a... Just doing what I do basically. I solve problems, get things done, I'm organised and efficient and doing this for him was what he needed so that's what I'll be up to from now. 

  I guess that's about it. Thanks for being a part of this, it couldn't have happened without you. There's probably a lot of clever stuff I'll regret leaving out of my last post but I will say that there might be the occasional transmission in the future if the fancy takes me. As you run along the platform trying to keep up with the gently accelerating train leaving the station, I'll leave you with the advice from Michael Pollan's book, In defence of food.
  Eat more food
  Not too much
  Mostly plants

Kirk over and out.
So long and thanks for all the fish.



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