Out of the blue
A little while ago I mentioned the management had some family in town. Tonight we all spontaneously went out for a goodbye meal as her aunt is flying home tomorrow and this meant a trip to Tooting high street to a place called Dawat, one of the many curry houses that proliferate the area.
If I was alone and judging the place by looks alone, it's the sort of restaurant that I would not only have passed by but dismissed from even considering as it appeared so unappetising in every way. But I'm English so what do I know? Not only had it been highly recommended, but everyone I would be dining with was from Karachi and this was a Pakistani restaurant. Any fears were instantly allayed.
What you can see above is how the table looked before most of the food had arrived. By the time all the dishes had been crammed onto the table, there was no sign of the surface they were resting on. We soldiered on, piling our plates high and enjoying everything and this is when I heard the most interesting praise.
"It's just like how they cook it at home. They haven't westernised any of it at all." Amazing! The place was noisy, crowded and cheaply decorated but behind this ordinarily unappealing facade was an understandably popular restaurant full of customers who could appreciate what was on offer.
By the time we finally waved the white flags, I had replenished my plate at least three times and had thoroughly enjoyed myself in the process. The bottom line is that if you want a totally authentic Pakistani meal then this is the place to go. I'm not sure if I'll have to wait until the family is in town before I get another visit, I might have to find another excuse.
Kirk out
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