Cutting the ribbon

  All exciting things happening here in my revolting world and if you're slightly startled by that description then all is about to come clear. Clarity is not the only thing that is about to ensue but also a kind of self referential circularity that... (You're waffling already, get on with it. -Ed.).

  The tip of this momentous iceberg is the shifting of the home of this blog from wordpress to blogger. That in itself is rather humdrum but anyone reading this on blogger will be welcomed with the self referential... (Do just get on with it! -Ed.).
  Much of the rest of the iceberg is taken up with news that there is to be a new website from yours truly, (Pause to let the firework display appreciating type gasp run its course), and this will be preceding yet another significant step in my world, the launch of a product. Website first, it is to be and will be a hub for all of my activities and projects including my daily ramble. (That address is live at the moment but it's a holding page, I'll let you know when the real one is up).

  Why, 'Revolting'?. Partly cos it's an attention grabber and partly because we are part of the revolution against the tide of damage being done by the food industry, (Boo! Hiss! etc.), whoever they are. In a nutshell, something drives me to change our relationship with food in whatever form, whether that's shopping, cooking or eating or just talking about it, and this daily post just isn't doing enough.

  The product I mentioned is a snack, (there will be other products later), made from fruit and nuts and something you'll have seen a lot of already from lots of other suppliers, though I'll not only be selling the snack. As you're well aware by now, I want you to cook for yourself, so as well as supplying the tasty treats, I'll be giving you the easy recipe and encouraging you to make your own version. Oh yes, I've been doing my research and I'm pretty confident that mine are much tastier than the competition. That's all for now but you can be sure I'll keep you posted with developments.

Kirk out


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