Unrelenting generosity
Because you're my homie and I've got your back I'm going to waste no more time than is absolutely necessary on writing this intro and get straight down to business. Get your bad self a nice clean sheet of paper and a pencil, (if you're proper old skool), as I'm about to lay a serious recipe your way.
This is none other than my latest brownie recipe and you can serve it to whoever you want (as long as they're not vegan), knowing it's super healthy as well as ridiculously delicious. Gosh, I'm rather excited to be sharing this with you and with good reason I feel.
Crank up the oven to 150c, get a 7 1/2 inch cake tin lined with greaseproof, and unleash your magimix.
You'll then need,
100g fat (goat butter, coconut oil, sunflower, 10w40 semi-synthetic etc.)
100g dark (minimum 70%) chocolate
200g Dates
2 eggs
50g flour. (Oat, rice, wheat or whatever you fancy)
45g cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt.
Melt the fat and chocolate together gently in a bowl over hot water.
Measure the dry ingredients into a bowl.
Put all the dates into the magimix and blitz.
Keep blitzing and blitzing until there is only a paste. (You may need to scrape the contents once or twice to make sure it all gets decimated)
Add the eggs and keep blitzing, scraping the stuck on date paste off the sides so it's all well incorporated.
Pour in the melted chocolate and fat and blitz some more.
Finally add the dry ingredients and blitz long enough to incorporate.
If you want to add nuts (for extra yummy crunch and nuttiness), do so now by hand otherwise they'll turn to powder.
Encourage the mix into the cake tin and smooth flat and even then wing it in the oven for twenty minutes. You can stab it to see if it's cooked but because it's a brownie your stabbing implement will come out soiled.
Let it cool.
Repeat, Let it cool then tuck in but make sure to share the love cos this bad boy is rich and you will feel ill if you eat the whole thing.
Kirk out
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