Bringing a knife to a gunfight

  On the subject of shortbread again, and more specifically the topic of sharing it, to show you how serious I take this issue, I thought I'd tell you that yesterday I rode sixty miles to do just that. You might think that a tad excessive but I was sharing it with Cosmo and wife so this was quite a short distance considering who I was sharing it with.

  On top of which, I took down some of my pulled pork to share and that went down very well thank you. Not only did we enjoy the shared food experience but there was also the matter of watching two idiots engage in a bit of senseless violence, (which ended up being exceptionally senseless but not very violent), and the most important activity of them all, a frolic on our two wheeled beasts.
One day I'll be an even bigger idiot.
Fun to look at, rubbish to ride.
  It is on the two wheeled subject that I wish to linger. The choice that every biker has to make at some point, (or points), concerns that of weaponry. Which shall I choose? My boys and I understand (and mostly respect) each other's choices but one choice that is generally perplexing is that made by folk who considered the Harley a good idea.

  It is quite forgivable for non-bikers to think that this may be a good choice or something one aspire to, but for the rest of us, we very often to struggle to fathom what, (if anything), is going through the head of the probably balding, probably middle aged, probably pot bellied individual who makes that choice. 

  After much musing on the subject, my conclusion is that these folk are more concerned about satisfying the needs of their spectators than themselves. If you've ever ridden a Harley, you'll know what I mean because the ride is not enjoyable compared to what is also available. It might be nice to look at and listen to a Harley, but I struggle to understand why these guys sacrifice their enjoyment for the entertainment of others. Quite mystifying. Think about that next time one, (or a crowd), of these loons rumble past.

Kirk out


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