It's processed so it's bad

  With a title like that there's got to be a catch. We all know that processed food is the enemy and as a result of it's ubiquity, we're all going to die from malnutrition. Simple, you might think but how can there be a catch? Well...

  Loads of food is processed and there's nothing even remotely unhealthy about it. In fact, sometimes the processing adds benefits. The trick is recognising the difference between the foods to avoid and the foods to embrace and the easiest way to do that is to look at the ingredients.
Here's some I made earlier.
  Instead of telling you which are the healthy processed foods, just remember that unless you are talking about untouched, raw individual ingredients then it's processed. This includes, (to name a very few), butter, pasteurised milk, mayonnaise, beer, wine and peanut butter.

  Peanut butter is a great example. Some are shit, full of loads of unnecessaries and others are splendid, containing only one, or maybe two ingredients. (The other ingredient is salt, in case you'd forgotten). What's also great about peanut butter is how indescribably simple it is to make. You know the ingredients so all you need is the technique. 

  Crank up the oven to about 170c. When it's hot, tip a pile of peanuts onto a roasting tray and put into the oven. Roast for about 9 minutes. (Adjust this time depending how strong/dark you like the flavour). You can let the nuts cool then put them into a food processor, (with salt if you want). Blend them and keep blending through the various stages, (chopped, powdered and gooey) until you reach butter. It's as simple as that.
  Tomorrow, fried eggs like you've never seen before. Ever. Guaranteed.

Kirk out


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