Note to self...

  I've a much better idea. Instead of waiting until bastard o'clock in the goddamn morning after a day of dancing round a kitchen to write this, why not write the blog earlier so I can get a bit more of the beauty sleep that I find so enjoyable? Don't write in, this is one of those rhetorical question thingies.

  Seeing as I'll write about tonight's supper club on the flight home tomorrow, instead I'll take some time to tell you a bit about my time in beautiful Berlin. My host, a friend I met in uni almost thirty years ago, (Wow, time flies!), has been thoughtful enough to make sure that any sightseeing we've done has always included plenty of eating and food related culture. Which has been great, except for my waistline.
  The strongest impression the city has made on me is the huge amount of space. You can drive around and park anywhere like it's four in the morning on boxing day most of the time. Another phenomenon I've noticed is the love of gummy sweets. Above is a normal looking section in a small supermarket. 
Out with the old...
  As usual, nothing goes totally to plan. Of course I didn't get to finish this before I started cooking, but fortunately it's not shaping up to be as late a night, which is a relief because now all the cooking is over and all I have to do is drag myself onto a plane, I'm noticing that I might be a lot more tired than I realised.

  The mission from left field started when we realised that the water in the cupboard under the sink was coming from a faulty tap. As the kitchen hadn't been used for much more than coffee and a sandwich, it had gone unnoticed. Suddenly we were in the car heading over to the local equivalent of B&Q for a new tap unit.

  The funny thing was that the old tap was a pain in the arse as hot and cold were on separate taps instead of one. Now I was in the splendid position of being able to choose the new taps, so I was very happy that I'd have the new set up for the last supper. The only glitch was that the clock was ticking.

  We returned to the gallery about four hours before the guests were due to arrive and though I was well prepped, I hadn't expected to start this late. Tools were dug out and I got to work removing the old tap and installing the new one. I'm guessing that being in Germany meant that there was a better than average chance that the installation would be efficient and straight forward and it was. 

  With just under three and a half hours till doors open, the tools were away, everything was clean and I could start. Tune in tomorrow to find out how it went.

Kirk out


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