First batch, delivered.
After two days of standing in my kitchen, I've rolled enough balls to complete the first delivery. Five flavours, twenty five pots of each, eight balls in each pot, all hand rolled. With lids and labels, each pot took a shade over six minutes. You do the maths because I can't be bothered.
As a celebration, for the first time since Tuesday I cooked a proper meal to eat. Which was nice. In preparation for the (hopefully) many more batches, there are already plans for a more efficient production system and, as you may remember from previous blog posts, I have access to a metal works so I could well be producing my own tools and utensils, which would be a first.
Some time after that there will be a day when I engage the services of one of the manufacturers who make bars for everyone else. No one makes their own bars, there are a few companies that do that for them. I'm curious to see their facilities in person but I imagine they have food processors the size of washing machines powered by juggernaut engines.
The other thing that's interesting is that all the bars are the same. No, really. They all use ingredients from a short list so the only difference between one brand and another is how they are packaged and marketed. This is another ongoing conversation at Revolting Foods and I'm sure there will be some changes before the final product is produced.
Oh no! I've just realised it's gone eleven, I'm off for some beauty sleep, there's a lot more balls to roll tomorrow.
Kirk out
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