Getting on board

  There's a good chance that I was a bit ahead of myself a couple of days ago. What I proposed presupposed that you cook, so would be in the perfect position to demonstrate to your tinies. It's a fair assumption given that you're sitting here reading this but I just need to check. If you don't cook, you're definitely in the right place and now there's an extra incentive.

  Everyone knows the wise words about giving a man a fish but I'm going to attempt to make it a bit more profound and hopefully do so without disappearing up my arse. Give your kid a fish you'll feed them for a day, teach them to cook and you'll feed them for life. (I'll work on it, I'm sure I can make it a bit more elegant but you get the idea.)
Gone fishin'
  This means you now have even more incentive to cook. You're not only going to be making and eating better food but you're teaching the practice, which means passing on the normality of cooking. And that is huge! Every time a home cooked meal lands on the table, it's another positive association and how much more positive do you think it will be if your smallest and dearest had a hand in it?

  Need any more badgering? Good, because you don't me to really start turning the thumb screws and laying on the guilt about how your children will grow up to be... (Easy now, Charlie. Dial it back until they really need it. -Ed.)

  So what's next?, I muse to myself. Oh, yes. I've not really said much about my current dietary experiment so an update is probably due. I'm now off to meet some friends for a meal in another of the lovely grill restaurants they have here so tonight's dinner will be another pile of delicious meat, slowly cooked over glowing embers.
Maybe I'll tell you more tomorrow.

Kirk out


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