Not long ago I was suggesting quick and healthy snacks. Something that makes snacks an easy trap to fall into is that when you're hungry, you'll invariably opt for the easiest option over the most sensible. This scenario is probably very familiar; you have a big meal to cook and regardless of how hungry you are, you nibble and pick away with complete abandon.
There's no way I'm the only person who does this so there's no harm in admitting it. Not just that but snacking in general. In fact, I'm sure you recognise how easy it is to go straight for the easy option. As easy as it is to prepare the dips mentioned in previous posts, more preparation may be needed.
You won't know until you've tried.
A lot of what I'm about to say depends on your levels of self control and what your mission is so you'll have to decide what's relevant or adapt my suggestions to your lifestyle. We already know about my OCD levels of self control so I'm not much use as a guide but I'm going to assume you're more human than me and have challenges.
If this is so then I have a question, do you struggle not to eat certain foods in your house? If so then get rid of them. This may sound over simplified but that's the joy of it. However, you still need that certain something to grab for so lets make sure you've got something in the house so you don't end up eating a bag of penne like hyper crunchy Wotsits.
My weapon of choice in this department is fruit and nuts. This may also sound over simplified but that's point. I'm sure you're aware of which nuts you like so buy some of them and stick them in your cupboard. Ditto with fruit. And the best thing about fruit is it comes both fresh and dried so get some dried in the cupboard and a nice bowl of fresh on the table.
Kirk out
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