Aiding and abetting.

  There's a good chance you haven't a clue what the big box is for. It's not only big but weighs a couple of tons. Contained therein is a massive, turbocharged diesel engine that has the sole job of compressing air. Why did it need to be delivered and who wanted their air compressed?

  A friend is starting a new venture stripping and cleaning surfaces of rust, paint, dirt and things like that, and the clever bit of machinery that does this is powered by compressed air. After my very circuitous day yesterday, today we got to discover how to use it. To be fairly understated, it's a bit of a beast. I'm sure that with a bit of practice, we'll be able to tame it and offer our services to anyone who needs a stripper. (? -Ed.).
My kind of stripper.
  The aiding doesn't stop with stripping, there's more. I had recently mentioned that I was helping a friend who wants to have a go at Banting, the fine art of eating lots and fat and just a few carbs. Wonderfully, another person has signed up and is really keen. This fills me with joy, as does being cooked for and I had a special treat because after a hard morning of stripping, we got served this magnificent plate.
My kind of lunch.
  What you see is spot on for anyone looking to go low carb, high fat. Fried onions with a bit of baby spinach mixed in to wilt, all incorporated into a couple of scrambled eggs served with grilled bacon and avocado. All boxes ticked with a big, thick marker pen, especially the box marked 'delicious!'

  Kudos to the new, brave soul as this is no easy path and I look forward to sharing the results and feedback from the two gastronauts on their voyage of discovery.

Kirk out


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