No thespians here
Let me start by apologising for yesterday's massive cock up involving the lack of the video I had teased you with. I only realised today it hadn't loaded, though if my past record is anything to go by I could be attempting to load it again tomorrow, such is the problem with having a total melon-head in charge of the technical side of this blog. Anyway, here I am flipping an omelette or tortilla or whatever.
While throwing a meal together I realised the joy of RSC. This has nothing to do with Shakespeare or treading the boards like Olivier or Gielgud. The RSC I'm on about is Ready Steady Cook and I'd like to offer you the opportunity to get involved. This idea popped into my head while doing some RSC of my own. (If you're unfamiliar with it, Ready steady cook was a TV show where contestants gave chefs a bag of random ingredients and they had to spontaneously make a meal with the contents).
You probably have a sense that when I wonder into a kitchen, most of the time I'm making it up as I go along. This may be something you fancy being able to do too and if so, that's great and it's a lot easier to achieve than you might think. There are two ingredients you need and neither of them are edible.
The first is confidence and the second is inspiration. Fortunately, I know you have the first one though in my experience you may not realise this. As a demonstration, here's a thought experiment. Close your eyes and imagine going to your kitchen to make a sandwich. It can contain anything and to make the experiment a bit more interesting, I'd like you make it something really special in what ever way you fancy. Do that now, before you read the next paragraph.
I said do it before you read this so go and do it properly. (Blimey!, what are you like?). Good, so now you can see and possibly even imagine the taste of your sandwich. You know why that was so easy? It's because you have the confidence to make a sandwich and the only reason you're confident is because you've done it before.
Before you go and tell me you can't RSC because you've never made a soufflé, no one is expecting you to make a soufflé. Just do what you can do and if you're feeling brave, push yourself to do something differently. While at Uni, an uncle of mine would make an omelette. When he started, he would add onion to the eggs. By the time he graduated, it sounds like he was adding thirty other ingredients. Allow your confidence to build slowly and before you know it you'll be making three course dinner parties for ten as easily as making a sandwich. The inspiration bit will have to wait until tomorrow. See you then.
Kirk out
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