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Episode 1190. When all good things came to an end

  When I started writing this, there was always the notion lurking somewhere in the background that at some point it would come to an end. That day has come finally and when I realised this would be the last post, (in this series at least), I felt really sad like I'm losing a friend. But enough of the sentimental shit how about a  trip down memory lane?   This all started because a very good friend  called Exton  encouraged me to boost my online presence. A blog seemed best as I'm happy expressing myself through writing and too self conscious to make videos. Every day was my choice of frequency as... well, because I'm mental. I don't like doing things by halves and though I toyed with the idea of changing the frequency of the transmissions, it stayed a daily mission.   I've just done the maths and a post has been sent out every day without fail for eleven hundred and ninety days straight. One thousand, one hundred and ninety days. That's a shade over

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